Monthly Archives: January 2009

When is a conference not a conference?

Well it seems, when National is organising it.

Cancel a primary health conference as it’s not the ‘right economic climate’, but spend an afternoon at Ratana and all of a sudden there is money to run a Maori Jobs Summit. I wonder how self sufficient in terms of funding this summit will be?

I have no problem with a Maori Jobs Summit, but I also have plenty of time for a primary health conference.

Seems that National can’t even stick to it’s ideological dogma, these buggers are all over the place.

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Filed under Confused, economics, Hot Air

2nd conference cancelled – Big Brother knows best

Tony Ryall thinks that the government knows best when it comes to the merits of a conference, just as Sherif Paula Bennet has done.

Funny this is a government which I was under the impression that was meant to be less involved in peoples lives – you know that old slogan they supposedly live by, government out of your life.

National is every bit as hands on and intrusive as Labour, they just want to lie to you that they aren’t.


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Filed under Confused, economics, Hot Air, Politics

A dark fog has enveloped us

If you read only one thing today, read this.

As the title of one of his films states, “it’s all gone Pete Tong” over in the middle east.

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Filed under Confused, Hot Air

No problem with Cafe owner

As long as it’s not an every day occurrence, it was the Cafe owner’s prerogative to choose his political protest and turf out the two Israeli women. As for all of the crap that one of the women, Natalie Bennie, was saying “am I safe in this country?” what a load of bollocks!!! Safer here love than you are as an Arab child in Gaza at the moment because of your government.

Once again the slaughter of 333+ children is not acceptable in any circumstance – ever!

As for Ms Bennie “Someone has to put him in his place”, oh yeah would that be at the end of a barrel, go to another freaking cafe. Nice consilitary talk. What about “I understand his frustration, I’ll be going elsewhere in the mean time and maybe one day well be able to talk about this”, no no she wants to put him in his place. And what place would that be, second class arab citizen – crass talk my dear.

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Once again, Garth George please shut the F up

Funny that the bitter and twisted old christian wanker is happy that the NZ govt isn’t taking sides or talking too much about Israel, after all “its on the other side of the world”.

333 children dead and counting, I wonder what (if any) is Mr George’s tipping point for dead children?

I really really really hate the fact that The Herald still publishes this old fuckers thoughts, there hasn’t been one moderate or compassionate word from him for years, and how does that help the world?


Filed under Hot Air

Dumbass National MP of the Week…

Goes to (drum roll – or boos).

Maurice Williamson, for:

A, forgetting as a Minister of the Crown he has a national responsibility to act sensibly and moderately. When asked about the protests against Israel via the most visible Israeli in the country at the stage (a female Tennis player), he said in a very dismissive and off hand “oh for god’s sake she’s a tennis player, leave her alone”. Nice one minister, can we say the same for the 800 odd innocent people murdered by the Israeli government, “they’re innocent women and children, stop killing them?

The second comes from again his infinite wisdom, this time on the decision to ban Radar detectors. What is the point of a radar detector, to tell the driver of a car when there is a police radar in the area, slow down and you won’t get a ticket, otherwise you can speed. Oh no, according to the wisdom of this great one, radar detectors are there to “people use them to moderate their speed”. No you dumb ass, that is what the car speedo is there to do. Every car has one, it’s law they should have one, they tell you the speed. If you haid said of the car speedo “people use them to moderate their speed”, then I would have thought, you know he’s right. But oh no, seems this guy is racking up some record for being just one hell of a loudmouth wanker, because how’s this for a doozie of a reason why we shouldn’t ban radar detectors “I’m not sure that a Big Brother attitude is a good thing”.

Brilliant, I’ve invented a machine which will tell me when a cop is coming to my house, giving me enough time to hide my dope crop. Using his reasoning, this is a good thing. Sure I’ve broken the law, but as long as “big brother” doesn’t know that I’m breaking the law and I have a machine to cheat the law, then I’m ok.

His reasoning is, that you can cheat the law and that’s ok. Funny this in the same weeks that a national campaign on speeding has been undertaken – damm you big brother for telling us to slow down.

Jesus and there’s supposedly 3 more years of this crap, start the bloody revolution people,.

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Filed under Confused, Crime, Hot Air

Garth McVicar fuck off

“The impending release of convicted murder accessory Nichole Field shows how far the public has been duped into a false sense of security with the New Zealand justice system, a leading campaigner for change claims.”

SO how does he explain a record prison muster (more baddies being caught) and record prison sentences being given out, we are now up there with some of the most punitive western nations, yet this git is never happy.

This guy adds even less to the national debate about the justice system than I do, yet he’s apparently a national campaigner.

He’s not he’s a media hungry git who hates people. I’ve never heard one so called sensible suggestion from this guy, just ‘all baddies are evil’, ‘the judges are soft’, ‘criminals get away with everything’, blah blah blah.


Filed under Crime

Could make you vomit


Anyone spot the irony of this image?

If I was the organisers of the Parihaka Peace Festival, I’d be mighty pissed off that my banner was at the top of a page that was giving approval of the bombing of innocent men women and children.

It really fucks you off to think that even in NZ there are so many people with so much hate in their hearts and minds. When you honestly and truly believe statements like “They are not bombing civillian populations” then you have a warped and disturbed view of who and what are innocent civilian populations. And if you can reduce the whole nasty shit fight to a leftist UN cock-up, then you need to see a doctor quick.

Because if the image of a dead child’s arm emerging from the rubble of a house bombed full of innocent people doesn’t make you sick and bloody angry, you are unworthy of the title member of the human race – you are nothing more than a beast. I have two boys, 3 and 5 and this image makes me sick to my core – I still can’t look at it, even when I was uploading it.


There are no winners here, everyone looses.

Comments are off, as they will only piss me off. Head over to the blind and stupid pro Israeli Kiwiblog to put up with their vile bullshit on this topic.


Filed under Crime, Media, Policy, Politics